Portrait of family at home on sofa

Did you receive an invitation to participate but didn’t get a chance?

Thank you to all the Vermont residents who participated online or by phone! This survey is important and helps make sure that Vermont has the ability to help all its residents.

If you have any questions about the survey, need to verify its legitimacy, or would like to opt out of future communications, please feel free to contact the project manager, Brian Robertson via email at brianr@marketdecisions.com

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Vermont Household Health Insurance Survey?

We’re asking Vermont residents about their health insurance and access to care in the state. Your answer will help guide state policy and programs related to health care.

I have been contacted to participate in this survey. What can I expect?

You’ll be asked about health insurance and health needs in your household. Click the button below for a list of the survey questions in PDF form. You can review the questions before taking the survey to know exactly what you’ll be asked.

Who in my household should take the survey?

The person who knows the most about health insurance for all members of your household should complete this survey.

How was my household selected?

Your household was randomly selected from households within Vermont. Since we cannot survey the entire population of Vermont, we scientifically selected a sample for the survey.

Is there any risk in taking the survey?

There is a minimal risk to participating in the survey. Some individuals might feel uncomfortable answering specific questions. However, participants can skip any question they do not feel comfortable answering.

Is my personal information safe?

All answers to the survey are anonymous and protected. Your information will never be revealed in the results or distributed to another party for any reason.

How will the results be used?

Your answers will be combined with those from others in Vermont to help us understand experiences with health insurance across the state. The results will help guide state policy and programs related to health care, ultimately making Vermont a healthier place.

Who is Market Decisions Research?

Market Decisions Research, also known as MDR, is an independent public health research company located in Portland, Maine. The State of Vermont often uses independent contractors to assist with survey administration because they have content and methodology expertise that can improve a survey.

Who sponsors this survey?

This survey is being conducted by the Vermont Department of Health and their partners at Market Decisions Research.

Need More Assistance?

If you have any questions about the survey, need to verify its legitimacy, or would like to opt out of future communications, please feel free to contact the project manager, Brian Robertson via email at brianr@marketdecisions.com

If you have any issues with accessing the website, or would like to arrange a time to complete the survey by phone, please feel free to contact Cooper Kelley via email at ckelley@marketdecisions.com

Need Information About Health Insurance in Vermont?

If you would like information about options for health insurance coverage in Vermont, click on the links below: https://info.healthconnect.vermont.gov/